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  • Jason Wilson

Thursday Devotion: On Your Lips

Nothing epitomizes The Naz more than a deep desire to exalt the name of Jesus. In a culture where marketing gurus tirelessly grind to elevate another name, one name reigns supreme: Jesus. Jesus has no rival, equal, or competition. He is not merely supreme, but eternal. His name reverberated throughout the universe before humanity's first breath. And Jesus' name will be glorified in eternity long after all lesser names fade into obscurity.

So what's the issue? If Jesus surpasses all in beauty, kindness, love, majesty, grace and glory, why must we be reminded not to fall for lesser names? Because sin is cunning, and in our fallen, feeble, clouded state, we lack discernment.

Without an awakening only the Holy Spirit can stir, a revelation of Jesus that strips the scales from our near-sighted eyes, we drift from one earthly affection to the next, losing sight most days of true beauty. We miss Jesus, the Creator of it all.

So, whose name is on your lips today? No doubt, worldly names are going to cross our lips throughout the day. After all, we are called to be “in the world, yet not of it.” But what name is going to rise above every other name? 


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